Posted by Derek Brown on

Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy IV

2nd – 3rd May 2013

Aberdeen, Sir Duncan Rice Library


  • Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen), “Ficino on the philosopher persona and its demise in 18th-century philosophy”
  • James Harris (University of St. Andrews), “Late Hume: Between Liberty and Authority”
  • Alissa MacMilllan (Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse), “A Linguistic Key to Hobbes on Religion”
  • Raffaela Santi (University of Urbino), “Geometry and Politics in the philosophical System of Hobbes”
  • Stewart Duncan (University of Florida), “Toland and Locke in the Leibniz-Burnett Correspondence”
  • Matthew Kisner (University of South Carolina), “Spinoza on the Basis of Reason’s Dictates: Not so Common Notions”
  • Martin Lin (Rutgers University), “Spinoza’s Starting Points”
  • Sandrine Roux (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne), “Another Way of Giving Sense to the Idea that we are not in our Bodies like a Pilot in a Ship: Descartes’ Conception of Voluntary Movements”
  • Anton Matytsin (University of Pennsylvania), “Anti-Skeptical Epistemology: The Challenge of Pyrrhonism and the Rise of Probability”
  • Paul Lodge (Oxford University), “The Nature and Role of the Critique of Dogmatism in the Thought of Joseph Glanvil”
  • Lisa Ievers (Auburn University), “Hume and Berkeley on the Nature of Philosophical Errors”
  • Emily Kelahan (Illinois Wesleyan University), “Hume’s Former opinions”

Inquires to Mogens Lærke

Conference website

**SPA sponsored**

Posted by Derek Brown on

CFP: Embodied Music Cognition

Deadline: 1st June 2013

Conference: 22nd – 23rd July 2013


Description: The purpose of this conference is to stake out the possibilities of a distinct research field for embodied music cognition. Over the past few decades, developments in cognitive science – especially the 4E paradigms of understanding cognition as an embodied, enactive, extended, and embedded process – have slowly but surely reshaped our understanding of the relationship between the brain, body, and world. While these movements have developed concurrently with experimental and theoretical work on “embodied” human activities, such as various forms of artistic practices and sensorimotor tasks, they must also be understood in a broader context. For instance, important historical and contemporary roots of embodiment research include philosophical traditions such as phenomenology and pragmatism, psychological traditions such as psychoanalysis and ecological psychology, and a move away from “music in itself” towards the conditions in which we listen to music in musicological studies.

Keynote speakers:

Call for papers: We are now accepting submissions for both paper and poster presentations. Papers will consist of a 20-25 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute discussion period. Posters will be displayed and browsing times scheduled after final selections have been made.  All submissions should be prepared for blind review in either PDF or Word form and sent to with the subject title “Embodied Music Conference Submission” along with the following:

  1. A cover letter containing:
    1. the author’s name and status(student, postdoctoral researcher, etc.)
    2. institutional affiliation
    3. contact information
    4. title of submission
    5. Specify if submission format is a poster or paper
  2. Selection shall be based on submission of an abstract, between 500-750 words for papers and 250-350 words for posters.

The submission deadline is June 1st.  

Conference website

Posted by Derek Brown on

2013 SPA Centenary Fellows

In 2001 the SPA created a Centenary Fellowship in celebration of 100 years of its existence; this year we are pleased to announce two SPA Centenary Fellows (at Glasgow):

  • Tyler Burge (UCLA), visiting 14th – 22nd June.  There will be a workshop at Glasgow with Prof Burge on the weekend of 15th – 16th June.
  • Wlodek Rabinowicz (Lund University), visiting 27th September – 8th October.

For more information, visit: