Posted by Jack Lyons on

Upcoming Events

SPA 2023 Annual Conference on the theme “Naturalism” plus AGM

University of Edinburgh (Bayes Centre – G.03)

7th-8th of December

  • Speakers include Jennifer Corns (Glasgow), Alex Douglas (St Andrews), and Katie Robertson (Stirling) plus a discussion panel with Debbie Roberts (Edinburgh), Michael Wheeler (Stirling) and Jo Wolff (Edinburgh). Full programme here.

Neutrality and Neutralism Workshop

  • Arché Research Centre, University of St Andrews
  • November 30th – December 1st 2023
  • Venue: School II, United College, St Salvator’s Quad, St Andrews, KY169AL

Social Ontology Conference (16-19 August, Stockholm)

SPA Annual General Meeting 2022


Thursday 8th of December (in Dalhousie 1S10, Building 1, Second Floor, Room 10)

  • Launch event for ACE (Analytic-Continental Encounters) – St. Andrews and Dundee
  • 4.00 pm – 6.00pm Graham Priest – Nothingness and the limits of thought/language
  • 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm Drinks at DCA

Friday 9th of December (in Dalhousie 1S03, Building 1, Second floor, Room 3)

  • 09.30 – 11:00 Walter Pedrali – The Labyrinth of Norms. Temporal Externalism and Marxist Ethics
  • 11.00 – 11.15 Break – Coffee and Tea
  • 11.15 – 12:45 Graham Priest – Social Atomism and its Problems—Metaphysical and Political
  • 12.45 – 14:00 Break
  • 14:00 – 15:30 AGM of the Scots Philosophical Association
  • 15.30 – 16:00 Break – Coffee and Tea
  • 16:00 – 17:30 Amelie Berger-Soraruff – Challenging Innovation in Philosophy of Technology and Design

SPA Annual General Meeting 2022


Friday 14th January 2022 (via Zoom)

  •  09:30 – 11:00 Jennifer Smalligan Marusic
  • 11:00 – 1115 Break
  • 11:15 – 12:45 Stephanie Rennick
  • 12:45 – 14:00 Break
  • 14:00 – 15:30 AGM of the Scots Philosophical Association
  • 15;30 – 16:00 Break
  • 16:00 – 17:30 Elizabeth Barnes


4th-5th May 2020 – Workshop on Social Media and Public Pedagogy

St Andrews

17th-19th April 2020 – Conference on General Philosophy: “3rd Annual CEPPA Graduate Conference

29th-30th April 2020 – Workshop on History of Philosophy: “Theories of Paradox in the Middle Ages


7th-8th May 2020 – Seminar on History of Philosophy: “Scottish Seminary in Early Modern Philosophy XI

18th-19th June 2020 – Seminar on Moral Philosophy: “Kant and Epistemic Norms” (Details forthcoming)

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Hume Fellowship, IASH, Edinburgh (please circulate)

Dear SPA members,

Please note that IASH at the University of Edinburgh is advertising a (perhaps final) David Hume Fellowship for A/Y 2019/2020.  Please feel free to forward to any interested parties.

A few details below.




The Fellowship

The David Hume Fellowship is for 3-4 months in the academic year 2019-20. The David Hume Fellow will be an established scholar in any aspect of Hume studies. The Fellowship is intended to provide an opportunity for scholars to come to Edinburgh to work on the important Hume resources available in the city’s libraries and archives. The successful applicant will be expected to be in residence in Edinburgh for the duration of the Fellowship and to participate fully in IASH activities.

The 2019-20 fellowship provides a bursary of £5,000 towards travel and accommodation. We are grateful to The Hume Society, the Scots Philosophical Association and to IASH Fellows and supporters who have made it possible for us to offer this Fellowship.

The Institute is housed in an 19th-century courtyard close to the University Library and about 20 scholars are in residence at any time. Fellows are allocated a private office in the Institute with all the usual research facilities. They are also encouraged to develop contacts with colleagues within the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. They give at least one seminar on their current research work during their tenure.

Application procedure

The closing date

The closing date for the receipt of the next round of applications is 28 February 2019.

The application form

You can find our application form here.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Editorship of *Philosophy* (from John Haldane)

To Members of the Scots Philosophical Association: Editorship of Philosophy.

You may already be aware of the fact that in anticipation of the retirement of the current Director of the Royal Institute of Philosophy and Editor of the journal Philosophy, Professor Anthony O’Hear, the Institute seeks to make distinct appointments, to each of these positions.


In the case of the Directorship the nature of the responsibilities means that candidates need to be in or near to London. There is no such requirement, however, with regard to the Editorship of Philosophy. Also it is possible that the editorship might be shared as, for example, is that of Mind.

It is expected that handover of responsibilities would take place in the early part of 2019, on a schedule to be agreed with the Chair and the Executive Committee.

Initial expressions of interest for the posts should be sent by email to the Managing Director Dr James Garvey at and copied to me as Chair of the Royal Institute of Philosophy at to arrive on or before 26th October 2018.

These should include a CV, together with a brief statement of purpose. Selected applicants will then be invited to provide a more extensive account of how they would envisage pursuing the purposes and aims of the Institute as Editor(s) of Philosophy.

It is expected that applicants will already be familiar with the journal but those interested in being considered for the position should review its online website Information about the Royal Institute of Philosophy and further particulars of the Editorial post are provided in the attached document.

John Haldane

Chair, Royal Institute of Philosophy

Posted by pat.c.todd on

A message from Robin Cameron (Aberdeen)

The retired philosophers at Aberdeen thought their colleagues in Scotland would want to know that David Braine, formerly of the Aberdeen Department, died on 17th February.  He was severely disabled and bed-bound as the result of a car accident in the 1970’s, but managed to keep up some teaching and a lot of writing (three books).  The funeral and a requiem mass is to take place at 10.45 on Thursday 9th March at St Mary’s Cathedral, Huntly Street, Aberdeen.

Professor Robin Cameron,
University of Aberdeen (Emeritus),
Department of Philosophy,
University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Old Aberdeen  AB24 3UB
Home:  70 Cornhill Road, Aberdeen  AB25 2EH  tel (0)1224-486700.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

SPA Annual General Meeting

SPA Annual Meeting

University of Dundee
Dates: Thurs. Dec 1 – Friday Dec 2
Thursday Dec. 1:
Dalhousie 2F14
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 – 1:00 Philosophy Careers Seminar (for Postgraduates)
1:45 – 2:45 Tina Röck (Dundee): ‘Propositional Knowledge in a World of Process’
3:00 – 4:00 Annual General meeting (SPA members only)
4:00 Refreshments
4:30 – 6:00 Keynote Address: Prof Jack Reynolds (Deakin): ‘Embodied Cognition, Naturalism and Emergence’
6:00 – 7:30 Drinks
7:30 Conference Dinner
Friday Dec. 2:
Dalhousie 2F13
9:30 Refreshments
10:00 – 11:00: Dr Kevin Scharp (St Andrews) Title TBA
11:00 – 12: Paper 3 Prof Nicholas Davey (Dundee): ‘Notes Towards a Relational Hermeneutics’

There is no registration required, but if you would like to attend the dinner (details below) – so that we know the numbers – we ask that you indicate this in advance by emailing Ms Amelie Berger Soraruff:

(Please also indicate if you will require a vegetarian option, and any other specific dietary requirements.)


Dinner will be held from 7:30 on Thursday the 1st Dec at Rishi’s Indian Aroma ( 11 Hawkhill Rd Dundee, DD1 5DL. Cost is £20 per person. We ask that you pay in cash to the conference organisers on the day of the dinner.


The conference will be held at the Dalhousie building – Room 2F14 on Thursday 1st, and Room 2F13on Friday 2nd. (‘2’ indicates the side of the building, and ‘F’ indicates First Floor.)

You can find a campus map here:,-2.984038,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x48865cc765a60f35:0x2d4e6f1d11137606!8m2!3d56.4594378!4d-2.9821926


You can also find directions to get to Dalhousie Building from Dundee railway station here:,+South+Union+Street,+Dundee/Dalhousie+Building,+Dundee/@56.458391,-2.9799213,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x48865c957a850ae5:0x1feafb1d1626334b!2m2!1d-2.9710367!2d56.4566822!1m5!1m1!1s0x48865cc76e384b15:0xc4e2c2ff3453a22f!2m2!1d-2.9822402!2d56.4595907!3e2



Some suggested nearby accommodation

(in rough descending order of price):


Apex Hotel:




Holiday Inn Express:


Queens Hotel:


Travelodge Dundee Central:


Dundee Backpacker:



For any questions, please contact Ashley Woodward: or Amélie Berger Soraruff:

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Raymond Plant giving the inaugural Dudley Knowles Memorial Lecture, Glasgow 21 January

On Thursday 21 January we will be holding the first Dudley Knowles memorial Lecture in Political Philosophy, hosted by the Stevenson Committee. The speaker will be Professor Lord Raymond Plant, and he will be speaking on the subject ‘Religious Freedom and Identity in the Liberal State’. Everyone is very welcome. The lecture will be from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre (the converted church at the top of Gibson Street, very close to the Philosophy Department), and there will be a drinks reception afterwards. Everyone is very welcome; no need to book in advance.




Professor Dudley Ross Knowles (1947 – 2014) was a renowned political philosopher who taught at Glasgow University from 1975 to 2012 and was a staunch supporter of the Stevenson Trust.  Dudley insisted that the Trust’s commitment to public education must include the contribution of political philosophy to examining issues of contemporary relevance in a manner accessible to all citizens.  In 2015 the Stevenson committee decided to endorse Professor Knowles’s view by instigating an annual public lecture on political philosophy in his memory.


Raymond Plant is currently Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy at King’s College London and has represented Labour in the House of Lords as Baron Plant of Highfields since 1992.  He was also Professor of Divinity at Gresham College and is a Lay Canon at Winchester Cathedral.  He was previously Master of St Catherine’s College Oxford, Professor of European Political Thought at the University of Southampton and has given prestigious lecture series in Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, Manchester and Southampton.  He is well known at Glasgow University as one of our most formidable Stevenson Lecturers.


Professor Plant has written extensively in political, social and legal philosophy.  His range of published work on the Neo Liberal State reflects and informs his public and political service.  He has been a member of the Nuffield Council on Medical Ethics and served on the Joint Committee on Human Rights for the House of Lords.  He also has contributed to party policy making, for instance,  by chairing reports for the Labour Party on Electoral Reform, and (for the Fabian Society) on Taxation and Citizenship.


Raymond Plant and Dudley Knowles share many concerns and interests in applying political philosophy to issues such rights, welfare, political obligation and citizenship.  They are also both leading authorities on Hegel’s political philosophy from whom each draws inspiration.


The subject of Professor Plant’s lecture arises from reflections on the subject which began during his period of tenure as Professor at Sciences Po (the Paris Institute of Political Studies).


All best wishes,




Dr Ben Colburn

Senior Lecturer in Philosophy

School of Humanities

University of Glasgow

67-69 Oakfield Avenue

Glasgow G12 8QQ

+44 (0) 141 330 4277

Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 7th December

Events next week (more information):

Posted by Derek Brown on

2015 New Enlightenment Lecture by Professor Alison Wylie

2015 New Enlightenment Lecture by Professor Alison Wylie
14th December 2015, Philosophy, University of Edinburgh
Organisers: Giada Fratantonio, Michela Massimi, Anna Ortín

The Edinburgh Women in Philosophy Group (EWPG) is pleased to announce that the 2015 New Enlightenment Lecture will take place on Monday, 14th December (from 15.00h in room 3.10/3.11 Dugald Stewart Building). Attendance is free and everyone is welcome.

Professor Alison Wylie (University of Washington -Seattle, Durham University) will give a plenary on

What Knowers Know Well: Why feminism matters, to archaeology for example

The lecture is preceded by a roundtable and followed by a Christmas dinner.

This event has been made possible thanks to the support of the Scottish Philosophical Association, the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences and Philosophy at Edinburgh.

The event is part of an annual series of lectures that started in December 2012 with the idea of providing our graduate community with women role models in philosophy.

For more details, please see:

All welcome!

Posted by Derek Brown on

2015 Annual Meeting: dinner and accommodation information

2015 SPA Annual Meeting

4 – 5 December 2015

Department of Philosophy, 69 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow

The 2015 Winter Meeting of the Scots Philosophical Association will be held at the University of Glasgow onFriday 4 and Saturday 5 December.

There is no registration fee for the conference, but there will be a charge of £15 per head for the conference dinner, which will be held at Asian Gourmet, a good Sichuanese restaurant near the department.

Please e-mail Ben Colburn ( to register, by 5 pm on Friday 27 November. Please indicate whether you also want to come to the dinner, and if so, whether you have any dietary requirements that I should take into account; and if you do want to come to dinner, please bring cash (exactly £15, if possible) on the evening.

We are not arranging accommodation for attendees, but here are some good and inexpensive hotels in the West End of Glasgow, all of which are within easy walking distance of the department.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions; I append a programme below.

Best wishes,

Ben Colburn

University of Glasgow


Friday 4 December


14:00 – 14:15      Registration and refreshments


14:15 – 15:15      Matthew McKeever, Stirling/St Andrews

  A Semantic Problem for Stage Theory


15:15 – 16:15      Janis Schaab, Stirling/St Andrews

  Rights, Reasons and Respect


16:30 – 17:30      Annual General Meeting (SPA members only)


17:30 – 19:30      Keynote Address: Peter Railton, Michigan

  Hume 2.0: A Contemporary Sentimentalist Epistemology


20:00                     Dinner


Saturday 5 December


10:00 – 11:15      Jennifer Corns, Glasgow

  Pain Eliminativism


11:30 – 12:45      Fraser MacBride, Glasgow

  Early Analytic Philosophy: A New History

Posted by Derek Brown on

Scottish Aesthetics Forum 2015-2016

The Scottish Aesthetics Forum at Edinburgh will host four talks in 2015-2016:

  • Gregory Currie (York), “The Visible Surface: Painting, Photography, Cinema,” 11th December, 2015, 4:00 – 6:00pm.  Abstract: “Pictures are surfaces with marks on them. Different kinds of pictures have different kinds of marks, produced in different ways. The marks themselves have an interest in painting and drawing which they do not have in photography and cinema. This difference enables us to identify and explain a feature of some pictures which I call “apparent transparency”. This is not the same as Walton-style transparency and pictures which have apparent transparency need not be (and in my view are not) transparent. The interest that marks have in painting are of different kinds depending on whether those marks are co-incident. I explain the notion of co-incidence and use it to highlight some of the aesthetic differences between different kinds of paintings and to extend Wollheim’s notion of twofoldness.”
  • Stacie Friend (London), TBA, 5th February, 2016, 4pm.
  • Catharine Abell (Manchester), TBA, 18th March, 2016, 4pm.
  • David Davies (McGill), TBA, 29th April, 2016, 4pm.

For more information:

Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 30th November

Events next week (more information):

  • Kathy Puddifoot (University of Birmingham) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 1st December.
  • Carl Knight (University of Glasgow) at Edinburgh’s Political Theory Research Group on Wednesday, 2nd December.
  • Markus Seidel (University of Münster) at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 2nd December.
  • Louise Richardson (University of York) at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 3rd December.
  • SPA 2015 Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 4th – 5th December.  Speakers: Matthew McKeever (Stirling/St Andrews), Janis Schaab (Stirling/St Andrews), Peter Railton (Michigan), Jennifer Corns (Glasgow), Fraser MacBride (Glasgow).
  • Epistemic Incoherence, St Andrews, 6th – 7th December.  Speakers: Herman Cappelen (Oslo), Matti Eklund (Uppsala), Patrick Greenough (St Andrews), Nick Hughes (St Andrews), Gillian Russell (UNC Chapel Hill), Kevin Scharp (Ohio State), Elia Zardini (Lisbon), Claire Field (St Andrews).
Posted by Derek Brown on

Reminder: 2015 SPA Annual Meeting

The 2015 SPA Annual Meeting will be held at the University of Glasgow on Friday 4th December and Saturday 5th December.  The programme:

Friday 4 December

  • 14:00 – 14:15   Registration and refreshments
  • 14:15 – 15:15   Matthew McKeever, Stirling/St Andrews: “A Semantic Problem for Stage Theory”
  • 15:15 – 16:15   Janis Schaab, Stirling/St Andrews: “Rights, Reasons and Respect”
  • 16:30 – 17:30   Annual General Meeting (SPA members only)
  • 17:30 – 19:30   Keynote Address: Peter Railton, Michigan: “Hume 2.0: A Contemporary Sentimentalist Epistemology”
  • 20:00  Dinner

Saturday 5 December

  • 10:00 – 11:15   Jennifer Corns, Glasgow: “Pain Eliminativism”
  • 11:30 – 12:45   Fraser MacBride, Glasgow: “Early Analytic Philosophy: A New History”

Please e-mail to register for the conference. There is no registration fee.

Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 23rd November

Events next week (more information):

  • Katalin Farkas (Central European University) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 24th November.
  • Inferentialism, St Andrews, 25th – 26th November.  Greg Restall (University of Melbourne), Rohan French (University of Groningen), Ukyo Suzuki (University of Tokyo), Jacob Archambault (Fordham University), Ryosuke Igarashi (Kyoto University), Christina Weiss (Universität Friedrichshafen), Ryan Nefdt (Arché), Ole Hjortland (University of Bergen), Catarina Dutilh Novaes (University of Groningen), Jarda Peregrin (Czech Academy of Science), Julien Murzi (University of Salzburg) and Florian Steinberger (Birkbeck College London), Shawn Standefer (University of Melbourne), Rea Golan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), David Ripley (University of Connecticut), Marcus Rossberg (University of Connecticut), Bruno Jacinto and Stephen Read (Arché).
  • Debbie Roberts (University of Edinburgh), “Supervenience in Ethics and Epistemology,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 25th November.
  • Henry S. Thompson (University of Edinburgh), “Virtual Violence: The Moral Status of Virtual Agents,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Informations Reading Group on Wednesday, 25th November.
  • Walter Pedriali (University of St Andrews) at Glasgow’s Philosophy Society on Wednesday, 25th November.
  • Alisa Mandrigin (University of Warwick) at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 26th November.
  • Fraser McBride (University of Glasgow) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 26th November.
Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 16th November

Next week (more information):

  • Helen Steward (University of Leeds) “Touching Experiences” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Informatics Reading Group on Monday, 16th November and at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 18th November.
  • Martin Doherty (UEA), “Developmentally distinct systems for processing gaze and theory of mind,” at Glasgow’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience Research Seminar on Monday, 16th November.
  • Jesse Tomalty (University of Stirling) at Glasgow’s Senior seminar on Tuesday, 17th November.
  • Orestis Palermos (University of Edinburgh) at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 18th November.
  • Inna Kupreeva (University of Edinburgh) at Glasgow’s Philosophy Society on Wednesday, 18th November.
  • Massimo Renzo (KCL) at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 19th November.
  • Katie Steele (London School of Economics and Political Science), “Use-Novelty and Evidential Support,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Friday, 20th November.
Posted by Derek Brown on

Edinburgh Graduate Epistemology Conference

Call For Papers

Sixth Annual Edinburgh Graduate Epistemology Conference

The 6th Annual Edinburgh Graduate Epistemology Conference will take place 6th-7th June 2016 at the University of Edinburgh. This year’s keynote speakers will be Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins (British Columbia) and Alan Millar (Stirling). All graduate presentations will have respondents from faculty members at Edinburgh or a neighbouring university.

We invite graduate students to submit essays within any area of epistemology (broadly construed). Essays should be under 4000 words, and should be anonymised for blind review.

We would really like the conference to be representative of the graduate community and so we strongly encourage submissions from anyone working on epistemology who is a member of an under-represented group.

We will be happy to help arrange free childcare for any attendees who would find it helpful. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss this, or any accessibility requirements you may have.

The deadline for submissions is 16th February, 2016, 00:00 GMT. For more information, including details of how to submit, please visit our conference page:

This conference is generously sponsored by the Eidyn Research Centre, the University of Edinburgh, the Scots Philosophical Association, The Mind Association, and is supported by the Edinburgh Women in Philosophy Group.

Posted by Derek Brown on

Nancy Cartwright in Scotland

Nancy Cartwright (University of San Diego and Durham University) will be in the Scotland in early December, delivering two talks:

  • On Tuesday, 8th December, the Knox Memorial Lecture at St Andrews: “Will this policy work for us? Undertsanding and misunderstanding randomised controlled trials.”  Tuesday 8th December, 5:15pm in School II.  There will also be a seminar the following morning at 11am in Edgecliffe.  For more information: 
  • On  Wednesday, 9th December, a Royal Institute of Philosophy & Royal Society of Edinburgh Lecture: “Scientific Generalizations: What’s So Good about Missing Out All the Differences?”  Wednesday, 9th December, 6:00pm at the Royal Society of Edinburgh.  For more information:
Posted by Derek Brown on

2015 SPA Annual Meeting

The 2015 SPA Annual Meeting will be held at the University of Glasgow on Friday 4th December and Saturday 5th December.  The programme:

Friday 4 December

  • 14:00 – 14:15   Registration and refreshments
  • 14:15 – 15:15   Matthew McKeever, Stirling/St Andrews: “A Semantic Problem for Stage Theory”
  • 15:15 – 16:15   Janis Schaab, Stirling/St Andrews: “Rights, Reasons and Respect”
  • 16:30 – 17:30   Annual General Meeting (SPA members only)
  • 17:30 – 19:30   Keynote Address: Peter Railton, Michigan: “Hume 2.0: A Contemporary Sentimentalist Epistemology”
  • 20:00  Dinner

Saturday 5 December

  • 10:00 – 11:15   Jennifer Corns, Glasgow: “Pain Eliminativism”
  • 11:30 – 12:45   Fraser MacBride, Glasgow: “Early Analytic Philosophy: A New History”

Please e-mail to register for the conference. There is no registration fee.

Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 9th November.

Events next week (more information)

  • Tim Mulgan (University of St Andrews) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Monday, 9th November.
  • Martin Smith (University of Glasgow) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 10th November.
  • Katharine Jenkins (University of Sheffield), “The Institutional Reality of Gender,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 11th November.
  • Jennifer Corns (University of Glasgow), “Hedonic Independence and the Negativity Bias,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Informatics Reading Group on Wednesday, 11th November.
  • Michael Loughlin (Manchester Metropolitan University) at Glasgow’s Philosophy Society on Wednesday, 11th November.
  • (TBC) Rico Vitz (Azusa Pacific) at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 12th November.
  • Melissa Ebbers (Memphis), “Rethinking A Priori Scrutability” at St Andrews’ Arché Research Centre on Thursday, 12th November.  [Contact for more information]
  • Emma Tobin (University College London) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Thursday, 12th November.
  • Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 12th November.
  • Susan Brison (Dartmouth College) at Edinburgh’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Friday, 13th November.
Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 2nd November

Events next week (more information):

  • Corporate Agency and Shared Responsibility, St Andrews, 2nd – 3rd November.  Speakers: Elizabeth Ashford (University of St Andrews), Annabel Brett (University of Cambridge), David Ciepley (University of Denver), Rowan Cruft (University of Stirling), Stephen Dunne (University of Leicester), David Gindis (University of Hertfordshire), Paddy Ireland (University of Bristol), Samuel Mansell (University of St Andrews), Tim Mulgan (University of St Andrews), Avia Pasternak (University College London), Philip Pettit (Princeton University and Australian National University), Marko Simendic (University of Belgrade), Alejo Sison (Universidad de Navarra), Thomas Smith (University of Manchester), Jeroen Veldman (City University London), Garrath Williams (Lancaster University).
  • Derek Ball (University of St Andrews) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Monday, 2nd November.
  • Alastair Wilson (University of Birmingham) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 3rd November.
  • Elke Brendel (University of Bonn) at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 4th November.
  • Isaac Alistair (University of Edinburgh) at Glasgow’s Philosophy Society on Wednesday 4th November.
  • Barbara Sattler (University of St Andrews) at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 5th November.
  • Peter Milne (University of Stirling) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 5th November.