Philosophy events, week of 7th April
Research seminars next week (more information):
- Simon May (Florida State University) at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 10th April.
Other events next week (more information):
- Experimental Philosophy, Edinburgh, 8th April. Speakers: Joshua Shepherd (University of Oxford), Natalie Gold (King’s College, London), Paulo Sousa (Queen’s University, Belfast), Suilin Lavelle & David Carmel (University of Edinburgh).
- Early Analytic Group, Stirling, 12th April. Speakers: Jim Levine (Trinity College, Dublin), Janine Gühler (University of St Andrews/University of Stirlin
g), Bryan Pickel and Brian Rabern (University of Edinburgh), Rob Trueman (University of Stirling), Michael Potter (University of Cambridge).