Early Analytic Group at Stirling
On April 12, the Stirling’s Early Analytic Group will meet from 10:30 until 18:30. The programme is as follows:
- Jim Levine (Trinity College, Dublin), ‘Frege and Russell on the Individuation and Analysis of Propositional Contents’
- Janine Gühler (St Andrews/Stirling), ‘On non-actual mathematical objects in Frege and Aristotle’
- Bryan Pickel and Brian Rabern (Edinburgh), ‘The Antinomy of the Variable: Renewed and Resolved’
- Rob Trueman (Stirling), ‘Hanks and the dissolution of the proposition’
- Michael Potter (Cambridge), TBC.
All welcome. There is no registration fee for the event, but please contact Walter Pedriali atw.b.pedriali@stir.ac.uk so that appropriate catering arrangements can be made (lunch and coffees will be provided).