Tomorrow: 2013 SPA Annual Meeting
A final reminder that the 2013 Scots Philosophical Association Annual Meeting will start tomorrow, Friday 6th December, at the University of Stirling, and continue on Saturday, 7th December. Talks will be:
- Martin Sticker (University of St Andrews/University of Stirling), “Kant and the Rationality of the Common Agent”
- Martin Lipman (University of St Andrews/University of Stirling), “On Fine’s Fragmentalism”
- Kevin Mulligan (University of Geneva), “Essentialism, Form, and Nonsense: Husserl and Wittgenstein.”
- Zoe Drayson (University of Stirling), “Cognition, Rationality, and Science”
- Simon Hope (University of Stirling), ”In Virtue of Our Common Humanity”
For more information: