Posted by pat.c.todd on

SPA AGM and Conference: 7 & 8 December, Edinburgh, with Papineau, Massimi, and Pettigrove

Dear All,
I’m happy to announce more details on the upcoming SPA AGM in Edinburgh on Thursday/Friday 7 and 8 December.  David Papineau (KCL) is our keynote, and Michela Massimi (Edinburgh) and Glen Pettigrove (Glasgow) are also speaking.  Titles to be given in an update.
There is no registration fee, but please email me at to register for the conference.  Please indicate whether you would like to attend the dinner (likely cost: £15 – £20).
Thursday 7 December (3.10/3.11 Dugald Stewart Building)
1:30 PM: Coffee, biscuits, meet and greet
2:00 PM: AGM Business Meeting (SPA members only)
3:30 PM: Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)
5:00 PM: Drinks reception (wine, etc.) (7th floor of Dugald Stewart Building)
6:45 PM: Dinner
Friday 8 December (all events in 3.10/3.11 Dugald Stewart Building)
10:30 AM: Coffee, pastries
11:00 AM: Keynote Address: David Papineau (KCL)
12:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: Glen Pettigrove (Glasgow)
3:00 PM: Finish
The Dugald Stewart Building is located on Bristo Square in Edinburgh.  More information about the building (including accessibility information) can be found here.
I can recommend accommodation options to anyone seeking advice; however, there are a host of options in Edinburgh nearby.
Posted by pat.c.todd on

The Glasgow – Melbourne Formal Philosophy Workshop, 10/11 November, Glasgow

The Glasgow – Melbourne Formal Philosophy Workshop 2017 will take place at Dept of Philosophy, 69 Oakfield Avenue, University of Glasgow, on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th November.
Speakers:  Berta Grimau (Glasgow), Stephan Kraemer (Glasgow), Stephan Leuenberger (Glasgow), Greg Restall (Melbourne),  Martin Smith (Edinburgh), Shawn Standefer (Melbourne), Bruno Whittle (Texas Tech), Gareth Young (Glasgow).
The workshop is supported by the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne, the University of Glasgow, and the AHRC Whole Truth project

Attendance is free but please contact if intending to come.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Kant’s Scots, Edinburgh 3rd November

Kant’s Scots
Bi-annual workshop on Kant’s philosophy
Friday 3rd November 2017
Room 4.01, Dugald Stewart Building, 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AD
Michela Massimi (Edinburgh): Imaginary standpoints and Perspectival knowledge in Kant
Kristina Kersa (St Andrews): Transcendental unity of apperception and moral will
Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge): Kant and the unity of science debate
Andrew Cooper (UCL): The legacies of Kant’s Critique of Judgment
Organiser: Alix Cohen (
No registration necessary
Posted by pat.c.todd on

Hermeneutics of Practice at Dundee, 27 October

Hermeneutics of Practice

Date: Friday 27 October 2017

Venue: University of Dundee, Dalhousie Building, Room 2S12 (10-1PM) & Room 2F14 (1-4PM)

The Hermeneutics of Practice is an Art and Philosophy symposium hosted by the School of Humanities. The themes it will investigate will be in honour of Professor Nicholas Davey, who retired from the University of Dundee in 2017. The speakers we have invited, including guest speakers from the University of Westminster and Lancaster University, have previously worked with Nicholas Davey, and are leading experts on contemporary creative practices. Topics to be explored include: what is an artistic practice? How do philosophy and art intertwine when considering notions of practice? How might the notion of hermeneutics aid us when it comes to understanding (artistic) practice?

Tea and coffee will be served in the afternoon, and attendance is free. Please note the change of rooms in the morning and afternoon sessions.


Morning Session (10-1PM): 2S12 Dalhousie

10.00-10.30 Phillip Braham: ‘In Time, and silently’

10.30-11.00 Linda Bolsakova: ‘The weather conditions for practice’

11.00-12.00 Kerstin May: ‘The Discipline of Art’

12-1.00 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session (1-4PM): 2F14 Dalhousie

1.00-2.00 Nicholas Davey: ‘“I only wanted to say something practical!”  On learning from Practice’

2.00-2.30 Andrew Roberts: ‘Philosophical Hermeneutics and Creative Reading’

2.30-3.00 Tea and Coffee Break 

3.00-4.00 Ian Heywood: ‘Art Practice: Supplements and Contexts’

All are welcome!

Contact: Ashley Woodward:

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Scottish Aesthetics Forum, Edinburgh, 2 November, Dr Angela Breitenbach

The Scottish Aesthetics Forum is delighted to announce its next lecture:

Dr Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge)

“Aesthetic reflection and scientific understanding”

Thursday, 2 November, 2017, 4:15 – 6:00pm

Room 7.01, Dugald Stewart Building,

University of Edinburgh

The lecture is free and open to all!

Abstract: “Scientists routinely speak of the aesthetic merit of theories, proofs and explanations, often regarding the experience of beauty and elegance in science as a motivation for their work and an indication of its truth. But aesthetic judgments in science are as controversial as they are widespread. On one side, aestheticians have worried that statements about the beauty of a theory or the elegance of a proof are merely metaphorical and lack genuine aesthetic status. On the other side, philosophers of science have wondered why aesthetic concerns should play any role in the search for scientific knowledge. I address this two-fold challenge by asking how judgments of beauty could be both aesthetic and relevant for scientific enquiry. I propose an answer inspired by the Kantian idea that aesthetic experience is grounded, at least in part, in the subject’s spontaneous intellectual activities. I argue that relevant aesthetic judgments are grounded in the subject’s awareness of her creative intellectual activities in devising and grasping a theory. And I suggest that judgments of this kind may offer a heuristic tool for scientific enquiry by indicating achievements of understanding.”

About the speaker: Angela Breitenbach is a Lecturer in philosophy at King’s College at the University of Cambridge. Her work includes Kantian conceptions of aesthetics and beauty in science and mathematics, the relationship between laws and unity, causality and causal knowledge, as well as Kantian perspectives on biology and nature, among other things. Along with being a Fellow at King’s College, she’s also a ProFutura Fellow at CRASSH and a Pro Futura Scientia Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. She’s recently done a TEDx Talk called “Can theories be beautiful?” which is available on YouTube.

Additional information: The lecture will be followed by a dinner with our speaker. If you would like to attend the dinner, please contact the organisers by 26 October.

*** There are limited funds to cover dinner expenses for two students, offered on a first-come-first-served basis. ***

Don’t miss our upcoming events!

7 December 2017 – Michael Newall (Kent) and

24 January 2018 – Kathleen Stock (Sussex)

– To contact the organisers:

– For more information:

– Or find us on Facebook:
and Instagram:

Posted by pat.c.todd on

SPA Annual General Meeting, 7/8 December, Edinburgh

Reminder: the SPA Annual General Meeting  is held in early December every year, rotating between the SPA member departments.  This year the SPA  will be hosted by Edinburgh on Thursday/Friday December 7 and 8.  I’ll be posting a full schedule soon; in the meantime please mark your calendars.
Posted by pat.c.todd on

Symposium on Rights, 23 October, Stirling

On Monday 23rd October there will be a symposium on themes from Rowan Cruft’s forthcoming Human Rights, Ownership, and the Individual (OUP).  There is a growing literature on the philosophy of human rights that rarely engages with earlier work on the nature of rights, or on property’s canonical place in the history of rights theory. This symposium brings together legal, moral, and political philosophers to consider these issues in relation to Rowan Cruft’s forthcoming book.  For more information, see


Speakers: Rowan Cruft (Stirling), Tom Dougherty (Cambridge), Katrin Flikschuh (LSE), Zofia Stemplowska (Oxford), and Victor Tadros (Warwick).
Venue: Room C1/2, Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling.
Time: Registration 9.30; talks begin at 10; the last talk will end at 5.
Posted by pat.c.todd on

“Law and the Whole Truth” workshop, Glasgow, August 10-11

“Law and the Whole Truth” Workshop: University of Glasgow, August 10-11, 2017. This interdisciplinary legal workshop presents and examines different perspectives relevant to the relationship between law and the “whole truth”. The workshop, introduced by Prof. Burkhard Schafer (University of Edinburgh), is divided into four sessions: 1) Information disclosure and the whole truth, 2) Defamation, perjury and the whole truth, 3) Law, neuroscience and the whole truth, and 4) Philosophical perspectives on law and the whole truth. Click here to learn more.

1) Information disclosure and the whole truth (10th August, 9.30-12.45)
– Dr Tracey Elliott (University of Leicester)
– Dr Ema Sullivan-Bissett (University of Birmingham)

2) Defamation, perjury and the whole truth (10th August, 2-4)
– Campbell Deane (Partner at BKF & Co, Glasgow)
– Prof. Alan Paterson (University of Strathclyde)

3) Law, neuroscience and the whole truth (11th August, 10.15-12.45)
– Prof. Francis Shen (University of Minnesota)
– Dr Neil Garrett (Princeton University)

4) Philosophical perspectives on law and the whole truth (11th August, 2-4.15)
– Prof. Paul Roberts (University of Nottingham)
– Dr Simon Barnes (University of Edinburgh)

For more details, please see the programme page.

This workshop will be of interest to solicitors working in a range of legal areas such as media law, medical negligence and criminal law. Certificates of attendance, for the purposes of CPD certification, will be available on request.

The workshop is part of the AHRC-funded “Whole Truth” project.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Diaphora Workshop III: A priori Knowledge (Stirling, 6 – 8 September)

Diaphora Workshop III: A priori Knowledge

Stirling 6-8 September

Venue: Stirling Court Hotel, on campus



Keynote speakers:              Tim Williamson (Oxford) and Crispin Wright (NUY/Stirling)

Confirmed Speakers:         Ali Abasnezhad (Munich), Moritz Baron (Stirling), Michel Croce (Edinburgh), Jonathan Dittrich (Munich), Matt Jope (Edinburgh), Ásgeir Matthiasson (Stirling), Bryan Pickel (Edinburgh), Peter Sullivan (Stirling), Matheus Valente (Barcelona), Lisa Vogt (Barcelona).


The workshop will take place during the full days 6 and 7 September, with the training session for ESR’s scheduled for Friday 8 in the morning.

The workshop will finish on the 7 with a panel session with Tim Williamson, Crispin Wright and Adrian Haddock (Stirling) on how different conceptions of the aim of philosophy and epistemological theorizing explain lack of convergence. This session is aimed to focus on the unifying aim of Diaphora.

The panel session will be followed by the Workshop Dinner.


Please confirm attendance at your earliest convenience by email to Sonia-Roca Royes.


A full programme will be published here shortly.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

The Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence; 26 May, Glasgow

The Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence

The Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence seeks to make productive in a contemporary context the distinctive approach of the Scottish Enlightenment to legal philosophy. The Lecture invites some of the world’s most distinguished legal and political philosophers whose ideas have reached out beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries, to shape innovative thinking on key philosophical, political and social aspects of law and government. It is envisaged that these lectures will form landmark moments in our understanding of contemporary debates on law and its place in an interconnected world.

2017 Lecture

T?he 2017 Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence will take place on Friday 26 May.  The invited speaker is A J Julius (UCLA) who will be presenting on ‘Free production through and against property’.

The event will take place at 5:30pm, Humanities Lecture Hall, Main Building.  A drinks reception will follow the lecture.

Free Entry – All welcome


This lecture will arrange for Locke, Rousseau, Smith, Kant, and Fichte to agree about property by arranging for them to agree with Karl Marx. The project of using what’s mine to make what’s mine is an attempt at producing freely. It fails: the general interdependence of individual production activity as it’s organized by private property is a mutual subjection. The attempt will succeed only when propertyless workers free themselves to work together on purpose.

More information:

Posted by pat.c.todd on

St Andrews Kant Reading Party; 27 July

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 10th edition of the St Andrews Kant Reading Party. The event will take place between the 24th and the 27th of July 2017, at the Burn House in Edzell ( The title of this year’s edition is ‘Kant and Sidgwick’, and the main goal will be to investigate the philosophical relations between Kant’s ethics and the utilitarian philosophy of Henry Sidgwick, with a special focus on the nature of morality and the good.

It is commonly argued that Kantian ethics and Utilitarianism (whose most rigorous formulation is arguably to be found in the work of Henry Sidgwick) are incompatible and even opposed to each other. However, it has also been argued that the two views are actually quite similar, both in form and in upshot, and some philosophers have gone as far as to claim (i) that they are largely compatible and/or (ii) that by combining the two an even stronger ethical system could be developed. The debate over the relation between Kantian ethics and utilitarian philosophy is still alive and well, waiting for new insights and new creative contributions.

This year there will be up to six discussion sessions (all texts will be made available), as well as up to four paper sessions (see CFA below).

Participation Fees:

Staff members: £150; Students: £75

The fee covers accommodation and full board at the Burn House, as well as transportation from St Andrews to the Burn House and back.

Invited speakers will be waived the entire participation fee (see CFA below)

If you would like to attend but child care duties make it difficult, please get in contact with Lucas Sierra Vélez ( We will do our best to meet your requests, and we hope to be able to provide financial support.


Since the number of places is limited, the registration process is divided in two steps: 1) Informal registration: send an e-mail including name, affiliation, and a brief expression of interest to Lucas Sierra Vélez ( by the 26th of May. 2) Payment: selected participants will be given instructions on how to make the online fee payment.

Call for abstracts:

Postgraduate students are invited to send anonymised abstracts of no longer than 750 words, as well as a separate cover sheet including name, position, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address to Kristina Kersa ( by the 26th of May. Abstracts will be selected by blind review, and applicants will be notified by the 9th of June.

Papers should be suitable for a presentation of 40 minutes, and should attempt to clarify the relations between Kant’s ethics and Sidgwick’s Utilitarianism, or at least between Kantian ethics and Utilitarianism more generally. Preference will be given to papers addressing topics from the following list:

The nature of action, practical reason and morality; The nature of human agency and human motivation; The relation between maxims/motives/intentions and consequences; The Kantian idea of ‘practical love’ and its relation to utilitarian benevolence; The moral standing of non-human animals; The axiological, practical and moral significance of happiness; The nature of happiness; The meaning and varieties of ‘hedonism’; The Kantian highest good and its relation to the idea of a maximally happy world; The idea of ‘deserving happiness’; The dualism of practical reason (morality vs egoism); The question of the ultimate/supreme good; The meaning of the term ‘good’ and the varieties of goodness; The notions of intrinsic value and unconditional value; The concepts of ‘dignity’ and ‘respect’; The distinction between ‘harming someone’ and ‘wronging someone’; Ideal theory vs non-ideal theory; Self-regarding and other-regarding duties.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lucas Sierra Vélez (

With best wishes,

The organisers: Lucas Sierra Vélez, Stefano Lo Re, Professor Jens Timmermann.

The Kant Reading Party is made possible by the support of the British Society for the History of Philosophy, the Centre for Academic, Professional and Organisational Development of the University of St Andrews, the St Andrews Philosophy Department, the International Society for Utilitarian Studies, the Mind Association, and the Scots Philosophical Association.


Stefano Lo Re
University of St Andrews
Lucas Sierra
University of St Andrews
Jens Timmermann
University of St Andrews
Posted by pat.c.todd on

Self-Control Through Accountability to Others; St Andrews; Monday 8 May

You are warmly invited to attend a workshop in St Andrews on
Self-Control Through Accountability to Others
Monday 8th May

  • 09.00 Tea/coffee
  • 09.30 Natalie Gold (KCL) Promises and Intentions as Mechanisms of Self-Control
  • 10.45 Tea/Coffee
  • 11.10 Bryony Pierce (Bristol) If Self-Control Cannot Rely on Willpower, can Accountability to Others provide an effective substitute?
  • 12:00 Andrew Sims (UC Louvain) Team Reasoning in Self-Control and the Self-Reactive Attitudes
  • 12.45 Lunch
  • 14.00 Garrath Williams (Lancaster) Practices of Responsibility: Moral Capacities and ‘Holding Responsible’
  • 14.50 Leo Townsend (Oslo) Testimony and Doxastic Self-Control 
  • 15.35 Tea/Coffee
  • 16.00 Karen Stohr (Georgetown) Cultivating Self-Control through Etiquette 

Tuesday 9th May

  • 09.30 David Owens (KCL) Promises and Self-Control
  • 10.45 Tea/Coffee
  • 11.10 Lilian O’Brien (UC Cork) Sharing the Power of One’s Intentions With Others
  • 12.00 Samuel Murray (Notre Dame) Competence and Self-Control 
  • 12.45 Lunch
  • 14.00 Paulius Rimkevi?ius (Vilnius) Self-Accountability and Self-Knowledge
  • 14.50 Till Vierkant (Edinburgh) Willpower and Social Tying to the Mast
There is no formal registration or fee, but please email Katherine Hawley if you are planning to attend.
Further details are available here:
Posted by pat.c.todd on

Scottish Aesthetics Forum: Dr Cain Todd; 27 April; Edinburgh

The Scottish Aesthetics Forum is delighted to announce its next lecture:

Dr Cain Todd (Lancaster)

“Transparency, Imagination, and Time in
Aesthetic Experience”

Thursday, 27 April, 2017, 4:15 – 6:00pm

Room 1.20, Dugald Stewart Building,

University of Edinburgh

The lecture is free and open to all!

Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to explore some connections between imagination and time in aesthetic experiences, where such experiences are not confined solely to an engagement with works of art. In the process, I will examine how aesthetic experiences differ significantly from perceptual experiences in respect of their transparency, their employment of attention, and their effects on temporal representation. This will lead to a discussion of some implications for how we should characterise aesthetic experiences in general, as well as how to understand the normative dimension of the judgements that are held to express them.

About the speaker: Cain Todd is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Lancaster. His main research interests span predominantly issues in aesthetics that intersect with concerns in the philosophy of mind, epistemology, and ethics. Currently, he focuses on the nature of emotion and imagination with a view to outlining their roles in value judgement. As part of this project he also works on buck-passing accounts of value, evaluative disagreement and relativism, the phenomenology of evaluative experience, meta-cognition, and the nature of epistemic emotions. He is the author of the monograph The Philosophy of Wine: A Case of Truth, Beauty, and Intoxication (London: Acumen 2010).

Additional information: The lecture will be followed by a dinner with our speaker. If you would like to attend the dinner, please contact the organisers by Monday, 24 April.

*** There are limited funds to cover dinner expenses for two students, offered on a first-come-first-served basis. ***

– To contact the organisers:

– For more information:

– Or find us on Facebook:

SAF is generously supported by the
British Society of Aesthetics & the Scots Philosophical Association.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

The Ethics of Giving Conference; University of St Andrews; 23 – 25 May 2017

The Ethics of Giving Conference
University of St Andrews
23 – 25 May 2017


23 May 2017 – Sessions in Upper College Hall

9.00 Hilary Greaves (Oxford) TBA
9.45 Travis Timmerman (SHU) Effective Altruists: Actualists or Possibilists?
10.30 Joe Slater (St Andrews) Effective Altruism and its Philosophical Foundations (Or Lack Thereof)
11.15 Coffee Break
11.30 Christian Barry (ANU) On Satisfying Duties to Assist
12.15 Amanda Askell (NYU) & Tyler John (Rutgers) Moral Offsetting
13.00 Lunch Break
13.45 Amy Berg (UNC) Beneficence and Partial Compliance
14.30 Michael Bukoski (Dartmouth) Moral Uncertainty and Moral Demandingness
15.15 Coffee Break
15.30 Brian McElwee (Southampton) Affluence and Blame
16.15 Joseph Carlsmith (NYU) Helping People and Creating People

24 May 2017 – Sessions in Upper College Hall

9.00 Rhys Southan (Oxford) Effective Altruism and the Contradiction in Willing
9.45 Leonie Smith (Manchester) Individual charitable giving as a part of the negative duty not to harm, in the case of global poverty
10.30 Elizabeth Ashford (St Andrews) TBA
11.15 Coffee Break
11.30 Sophie Hermanns (Harvard) & Scott Weathers (Harvard) Of ancient grudges and star-cross’d lovers: Difference and convergence between Effective Altruism and Social Justice
12.15 Eden Lin (Ohio State) Effective Altruism and American Electoral Politics
13.00 Lunch Break
13.45 Ketan Ramakrishnan (NYU) Property Rights and Duties of Aid
14.30 Judith Lichtenberg (Georgetown) Effective Altruism: A Critique
15.15 Coffee Break

24 May 2017 – Keynote Lecture in the Buchanan Lecture Theatre

16.00 Peter Singer (Princeton/Melbourne) Book Signing
17.15 Peter Singer (Princeton/Melbourne) 2017 Knox Lecture: Living Ethically in the 21st Century

25 May 2017 – Sessions in Upper College Hall

9.00 Adam Etinson (St Andrews) TBA
9.45 Ben Bramble (Trinity College Dublin) Effective Altruism and Our Reasons to Give
10.30 L.A. Paul (UNC) and Jeff Sebo (UNC) Effective Altruism and Transformative Values
11.15 Coffee Break
11.30 Ben Sachs (St Andrews) Effective Exhorting
12.15 Tobias Jung (St Andrews) Concerns about effective altruism: a view from the philanthropy research field
13.00 Lunch Break
13.45 Alan Fenwick (Schistosomiasis Control Initiative) TBA
14.30 Michelle Hutchinson (Centre for Effective Altruism) TBA
15.15 Giving Game

Attending the Conference

As seats are limited, we require all potential attendees to send us an expression of interest in attending (at by 14 April 2017. We will then confirm no later than 21 April 2017 whether you have a reserved seat at the conference. We regret that we have no remaining funding for travel assistance. Moreover, a reserved seat at the conference does not on its own guarantee a reserved seat at the Singer lecture, which is a ticketed event.


Theron Pummer is the main organiser (; for administrative questions, please contact Laura Newman (


For generous funding and support, we are grateful to the Mind Association, the Society for Applied Philosophy, the Scots Philosophical Association, the JN Wright Trust, the Giving What We Can chapter at the University of St Andrews, the Department of Philosophy at the University of St Andrews, and the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St Andrews.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

The Metaphysics of Totality, 30-31 March, Glasgow

The Metaphysics of Totality

University of Glasgow, 30-31 March 2017
Thursday 30th

[9-9.30: coffee]
9.30-11: Aaron Cotnoir & Bruno Jacinto (St Andrews) – A Formal Semantics for the Theory of Embodiments

11.15-12.45: Stephan Leuenberger (Glasgow) – Totality Operators and Metaphysical Defaults

2.15-3.45: Anna-Sofia Maurin (Gothenburg) – Regress and Metaphysical Explanation

4-5.30: Louis deRosset (Vermont) – The Metaphysical Transparency of Truth
[7: dinner]
Friday 31st

[9-9.30: coffee]
9.30-11: Philipp Blum (Lucerne) – Every Thing is Positive

11.15-12.45: Naomi Thompson (Southampton) – Fictionalism about Grounding

2.15-3.45: Bruno Whittle (Glasgow) – Mathematical Anti-Realism and Explanatory Structure

4-5.30: Alexander Skiles (NYU) – Existence and Second-Order Quantification
[7: dinner]
All talks will be in the Reid Room, of 69 Oakfield Avenue.
Abstracts are available at:
Everyone is welcome to attend (without charge). But if you plan to come, please let us know by writing to:
This workshop is part of the AHRC funded project The Whole Truth. For more information about the project, please see:
Posted by pat.c.todd on

Kant’s Scots, Edinburgh, 21 April

Kant’s Scots

Bi-annual workshop on Kant’s philosophy

Friday 21st April 2017

Room 7.01, Dugald Stewart Building, 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AD



Sasha Mudd (Southampton): Both the Law and the Good: Exploring a No Priority Approach to Kant’s Ethics


Stefano Lo Re (St Andrews): The function of the Kingdom of Ends in the Groundwork


Sacha Golob (KCL): Kant on Education (tbc)


Stefano Bacin (Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele): “Kantian ‘Common Rational Moral Cognition’ and Moral Intuitions: On the Method of Kant’s Moral Philosophy”

Organiser: Alix Cohen (

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Workshop on the requirement of total evidence, May 29/30, Edinburgh


May 29-30

Room G.05, 50 George Square

University of Edinburgh

Confirmed Speakers:

Jessica Brown (St Andrews)

Peter Milne (Stirling)

Martin Smith (Edinburgh)

Julia Staffel (Wash U, St Louis)

Lauren Ware (Stirling)

Lee Whittington (Edinburgh)

Registration is free but places are limited.  To register please contact Martin Smith –

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Scottish Aesthetics Forum, 6 April, Edinburgh, Dr Hans Maes

The Scottish Aesthetics Forum is delighted to announce its next lecture:

Dr Hans Maes (Kent)

“Portraits of Philosophers and the Philosophy of Portraits”

Thursday, 6 April, 2017, 4:15 – 6:00pm

7 Bristo Square, Room G.009 – Richard Verney Health Centre,

University of Edinburgh

The lecture is free and open to all!

Abstract: This paper presents a close analysis of Steve Pyke’s famous series of portraits of philosophers. By comparing his photographs to other well-known series of portraits and to other portraits of philosophers we will seek a better understanding of the distinctiveness and fittingness of Pyke’s project. With brief nods to Barthes, Baudrillard, Berger, Hegel, and Schopenhauer and an extensive critical investigation of Cynthia Freeland’s ideas on portraiture in general and her reading of Steve Pyke’s portraits in particular this paper will also aim to make a contribution to the philosophical debate on portraiture.

About the speaker: Hans Maes studied at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and graduated there with a PhD in Philosophy. His dissertation, focusing on problems in ethics and moral psychology, was published as a book in Belgium and The Netherlands. He has since made aesthetics and the philosophy of art the main focus of his postdoctoral activities. He worked at the Department of Aesthetics of the University of Helsinki, Finland, and the University of Maryland, USA, before moving to Kent where he is currently Senior Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Art. He has authored papers on a variety of topics in aesthetics, including the role of intention in the interpretation of art, the notion of free beauty, the art of portraiture, and the relation between art and pornography. The latter is the subject of two essay collections: Art and Pornography (co-edited with Jerrold Levinson, OUP, 2012); and Pornographic Art and The Aesthetics of Pornography (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013). Hans Maes is Co-Director of the Aesthetics Research Centre at Kent and from 2010 until 2013 was President of the Dutch Association of Aesthetics. For more information about Hans Maes’ work please visit:

Additional information: The lecture will be followed by a dinner with our speaker. If you would like to attend the dinner, please contact the organisers by Monday, 3 April.

*** There are limited funds to cover dinner expenses for two students, offered on a first-come-first-served basis. ***

– To contact the organisers:

– For more information:

– Or find us on Facebook:

SAF is generously supported by the
British Society of Aesthetics & the Scots Philosophical Association.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

SSEMP VIII (University of Edinburgh 10-11 April 2017)



University of Edinburgh 10-11 April 2017

Project Room, room 1.06, William Robertson Building

University of Edinburgh, 50 George Square

Edinburgh, EH8 9LH


Key note speakers:

Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen)

Peter Millican (Oxford University)



Monday 10 April

8.45                 Welcome

Session 1: Hobbes and Spinoza

9.00-9.45        Francesca Rebasti (ENS de Lyon), “Reshaping Liberty of Conscience: Hobbes’s Heterodox Exegesis of the Gloss on Romans 14:23”

9.45-10.30      José Maria Sanchez de Leon (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), “Spinoza on Common Notions and the Order of Philosophizing”

10.30-10.45    Break

Session 2: Addison

10.45-11.30    Endre Szécsényi (Aberdeen), “The Birth of Modern Aesthetics from Spiritual Exercises”

11.30-12.15    Monica Uribe (Guanajuato), “Taste and Imagination in Addison’s Aesthetic Thought”

12.15-13.45    Lunch

Key Note Speaker

13.45-14.45    Beth Lord (Aberdeen), “Spinoza on Pride and Despondency”

14.45-15.00    Break

Session 1: Leibniz

15.00-15.45    Norma B. Goethe (Cordoba), “Leibniz on the Value of Learning from Exploratory Research”

15.45-16.30    Carlos Portales (Edinburgh), “Leibniz’s Modal Metaphysics as Ground for Nature’s Objective Aesthetic Value”

16.30-16.45    Break

SSEMP Essay Prize Winner

16.45-17.45    Kathrine Cuccuru (UCL), “Style over Substance? Literary Criticism and the Origins of the British Philosophical Sublime”

Tuesday 11 April

Session 4: Trotter, Masham, Locke

9.00-9.45        Simone Webb (UCL), “Self-Revelation and Sociability: Reading Damaris Masham’s Letters to John Locke as Philosophical Autobiography”

9.45-10.30      Emilio Maria de Tommaso (Calabria), “The True Grounds of Morality in Catharine Trotter’s Defence of Mr. Locke’s Essay

10.30-10.45    Break

Session 5: Descartes

10.45-11.30    Andrea Christofidou (Keble College, Oxford), “Descartes on the Mind-Body Relation: A Solution?”

11.30-12.15    Christian Barth (Humboldt University, Berlin), “Cognitio interna and Conscientia in Descartes’ Conception of the Mind”

12.15-13.45    Lunch

Key Note Speaker

13.45-14.45    Peter Millican (Oxford), “Logic, Scepticism, and Egoism: Why Hume Disowned the Treatise of Human Nature

14.45-15.00    Break

Session 6: Locke, Shaftesbury, Huygens

15.00-15.45    Tim Stuart-Buttle (Cambridge), “Locke on the ‘Two Provinces of Knowledg’”

15.45-16.30    Christian Maurer (Lausanne), “Shaftesbury’s Manuscript Pathologia. Stoicism, the Passions and Virtue”

16.30-16.45    Break

16.45-17.30    Miguel Palomo (Sevilla), “Christiaan Huygens, the Observer of the Cosmos”

Organisation: Pauline Phemister (Edinburgh), Mogens Lærke (IHRIM, CNRS, ENS de Lyon)

Funding: Scottish Philosophical Association (SPA) / British Society for the History of Philosophy (BSHP)/ Edinburgh University /IHRIM (CNRS, UMR 5317), ENS de Lyon.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

A message from Robin Cameron (Aberdeen)

The retired philosophers at Aberdeen thought their colleagues in Scotland would want to know that David Braine, formerly of the Aberdeen Department, died on 17th February.  He was severely disabled and bed-bound as the result of a car accident in the 1970’s, but managed to keep up some teaching and a lot of writing (three books).  The funeral and a requiem mass is to take place at 10.45 on Thursday 9th March at St Mary’s Cathedral, Huntly Street, Aberdeen.

Professor Robin Cameron,
University of Aberdeen (Emeritus),
Department of Philosophy,
University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Old Aberdeen  AB24 3UB
Home:  70 Cornhill Road, Aberdeen  AB25 2EH  tel (0)1224-486700.