KBNS Network Workshop; 17 and 18 December, Stirling
Dear all,
The second KBNS Network Workshop will take place next month, 17th and 18th of December, at the Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling .
A draft programme (to be updated soon with titles and abstracts) is available here:
For delegates other than project members/speakers:
Please let us know by email if you are planning to attend (to: sonia.rocaroyes@stir.ac.uk). There is no registration fee, and teas/coffees during the Workshop are provided.
You are welcome to join us for meals during the Workshop – lunches, and the Workshop Dinner on Monday 17th – but these have to be booked in advance: details and costs are given below. (Email to: sonia.rocaroyes@stir.ac.uk)
Meal costs:
– Two course lunch, 17th: £13.5
– Conference dinner, 17th: £25
– Two course lunch, 18th: £13.5
Vegetarian options are standard.
Thank you very much!
Sonia Roca-Royes
KBNS project co-leader