Posted by pat.c.todd on

A message from Robin Cameron (Aberdeen)

The retired philosophers at Aberdeen thought their colleagues in Scotland would want to know that David Braine, formerly of the Aberdeen Department, died on 17th February.  He was severely disabled and bed-bound as the result of a car accident in the 1970’s, but managed to keep up some teaching and a lot of writing (three books).  The funeral and a requiem mass is to take place at 10.45 on Thursday 9th March at St Mary’s Cathedral, Huntly Street, Aberdeen.

Professor Robin Cameron,
University of Aberdeen (Emeritus),
Department of Philosophy,
University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Old Aberdeen  AB24 3UB
Home:  70 Cornhill Road, Aberdeen  AB25 2EH  tel (0)1224-486700.

Posted by pat.c.todd on

Meeting of the Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy (Edinburgh, 10-11 April)

We cordially invite you to attend the Meeting of the Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy which will take place in Edinburgh on April 10-11, 2017, at the University of Edinburgh, in Room G. 06, 50 George Square:

Conference programme 

Monday April 10, 2017: 

1-1.30 pm Registration and coffee

1.30-3.00 pm Professor William Charlton (University of Edinburgh, Emeritus),

‘Ancient and modern treatments of some syncategorematic terms.’

3.00-3.40 pm Ni YU (PhD candidate, University of Edinburgh)

‘The Unity of Plato’s Meno

3.40 – 4.00 pm tea/coffee break

4.00-5.30 pm Dr Laura Maria Castelli (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)

‘Alexander of Aphrodisias on deductive arguments and their principles’

5.30- 5.40 pm short break

5.40-6.20 pm Jonathan Greig (PhD Candidate, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)

‘The One’s causality between Proclus and Damascius’

Tuesday April 11, 2017

9.30-11 am Professor Richard King (University of Bern)

‘Aristotle on Nutrition’

11-11.30 am Coffee break

11.30 am -1 pm Dr David Leith (University of Exeter)

‘Athenaeus of Attaleia on the Elements of Medicine’

1:00- 1:15 ABM


A limited number of student bursaries is available: please contact the organisers.

The conference is made possible by the generous support from the Mind Association, Scots Philosophical Association, and the Eidyn Research Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

Should you have any questions/ further queries, please contact the organisers:

Inna Kupreeva ( and Simon Trépanier (