Posted by pat.c.todd on

Fri 11 Nov 2016 – Philosophy Beyond the Academy (St Andrews)

Time: 1-6pm
Location: Seminar Room 1 of the Medical and Biological Sciences Building, University of St Andrews
Tickets: Free and open to the public. Please e-mail to reserve a place.

Tom Jones (English, St Andrews)  and James Harris (Philosophy, St Andrews) are running a series of workshops on the philosophical life, supported by the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Looking at the question ‘How does one live philosophically within and beyond the modern university?‘ this workshop brings together participants whose philosophical work takes place in a variety of contexts: consultancy, counselling, prisons, civil society organisations, online and print media, and daily life itself. Presentations, discussion and a round table event to close the afternoon will ask how a (formal or informal) philosophical background shapes life, work and our most fundamental social relations.

1.00-1.15 – Welcome
1.15-1.45 – Ben Macpherson MSP
1.45-2.30 – Ben Young (ex Jubilee Scotland)
2.30-2.45 – Break
2.45-3.30 – Catherine McCall (European Philosophical Inquiry Centre)
3.30-3.45 – Joe Slater (PhD candidate, St Andrews)
3.45-4.00 – Break
4.00-4.45 – Richard Marshall (3am Magazine)
4.45-5.15 – Donald MacEwan (St Andrews University Chaplain) and James D. Aitken (Minister of St. Michael’s, Edinburgh)
5.15-6.00 – Round table

For more information see