Philosophy events, week of 15th September
Research seminars next week (more information):
- Michael Otsuka (London School of Economics), “Personal Identity and the Significance of Becoming,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 17th September.
- Michael Otsuka (London School of Economics), “How it Makes a Moral Difference that One is Worse Off than One Could Have Been,” at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 18th September.
- Martin Kusch (University of Vienna), “Epistemic Relativism and Skepticism: Three Problems,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Thursday, 18th September.
- Vasilis Politis (Trinity College Dublin), “Definition by Example in the Hippias Major: Plato’s anticipation of, and response to, Geach,” at Edinburgh’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Friday, 26th September.