Posted by Derek Brown on

Realism, Pluralism, and Naturalism

A one-day workshop at the University of Stirling, supported by Zoe Drayson’s Impact Research Fellowship

Monday 17 March 2014, 2A9 Cottrell BuildingUniversity of Stirling

There is no registration fee, but those wishing to attend should email z.e.drayson[at] to confirm numbers.


10.00 Steven Horst (Wesleyan) Beyond Reduction: what can philosophy of mind learn from post-reductionist philosophy of science?

10.45 discussion

11.15 Coffee break

11.30 Graduate session:

11.30 Rachel Crossley (SASP) How does Horst’s cognitive pluralism respond to the intuition that there is something unique about psychological gaps?

12.00 discussion

12.15 Ian Robertson (SASP) Does cognitive pluralism allow us to plausibly evaluate our cognition?

12.45 discussion

1.00 Lunch (Room 2A11)

2.00 Zoe Drayson (Stirling) Explanation and Realism

2.45 discussion

3.15 Coffee break

3.30 Michael Wheeler (Stirling) Minimal Naturalism

4.15 discussion

4.45 Round table discussion

5.30 Finish