Posted by Derek Brown on

Visiting Speakers, 25th – 29th June

Events next week:

Posted by Derek Brown on

SPA Annual Meeting in Aberdeen, 7th and 8th December 2012

I’m pleased to announce that this year’s Annual Meeting of the Scots Philosophical Association will be held at the University of Aberdeen on Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th December, 2012.  The keynote speaker at the meeting will be Professor Margaret Morrison (University of Toronto).  In addition to the keynote address there will be talks from some Aberdeen philosophers and a general meeting of the SPA members where we’ll discuss the year’s business and the current state of the Association.  You’re all cordially invited to attend.

As you may know, your departments each received a grant of £4,000 from the SPA recently (in addition to the usual grant for postgraduate activities).  This new grant is, in part, intended to allow your departments to provide funding for SPA members (i.e. you) to attend the annual meeting, and more generally to promote the research and professional activities of SPA members.

More information on the annual meeting will be posted in the near future.  Cheers!