Visiting speakers, week of 17th June
Events next week:
- Pain Conference, Glasgow, 18th – 20th June. Speakers: Speakers: Colin Allen, Murat Aydede, David Bain, Michael Brady, Victoria Braithwaite, Jennifer Corns, Valerie Hardcastle, Richard Krueger, Siri Leknes, Jennifer Radden, Adam Shriver, Frédérique de Vignemont.
- The Philosophy of Luck, Edinburgh, 19th June. Speakers: Nathan Ballantyne (Fordham), Steven Hales (Bloomsburg), Joe Milburn (University of Pittsburgh), Wayne Riggs (University of Oklahoma), Sabine Roeser (TU Delft and University of Twente), Lee Whittington (University of Edinburgh).
- The Gettier Problem at 50, Edinbrugh, 20th – 21st June. Speakers: Mark Kaplan (Indiana University), Jennifer Nagel (University of Toronto), Erik Olsson (Lund Universitat), Duncan Pritchard (University of Edinburgh), Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University), Timothy Williamson (University of Oxford), Yuri Cath (University of East Anglia), Stephen Hetherington (University of New South Wales), Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (University of British Columbia), Andrew McGonigal (University of Leeds), Lisa Miracchi (Rutgers University), Christian Piller (University of York), Amber Riaz (Lahore University of Management Sciences).
- The Philosophy of the Philosophy of Art, St Andrews, 21st – 22nd June. Speakers: Gregory Currie (University of Nottingham), David Davies (McGill University), Stacie Friend (Heythrop College, London), Berys Gaut (University of St Andrews), Jerrold Levinson (University of Maryland), Dominic Lopes (University of British Columbia), Elisabeth Schellekens (Durham University), Dan Cavedon-Taylor (University of St Andrews).
- Frege’s Epistemology of Basic Logical Laws, Stirling, 22nd – 23rd June. Speakers: Robert May (UC Davis), Øystein Linnebo (Birkbeck), Peter Sullivan (Stirling), Joan Weiner (Indiana), Erich Reck (UC Riverside), Gottfried Gabriel (Jena), Fraser MacBride (Glasgow), Adam Rieger (Glasgow), Marcus Rossberg (UConn), and Stewart Shapiro (Ohio/St Andrews).