Visiting Speakers, 4th – 8th June
Next week’s visiting speakers:
- Andy Egan (Rutgers University), “Epistemic Modals Again,” at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 6th June.
- Sid Kouider (Ecole Normale Superieure), “From subliminal perception to conscious access: cognitive and neuronal mechanisms,” at Glasgow’s Mind and Psychology Research Seminar on Friday, 8th June.
Other events next week:
- 2012 Carnegie Centenary Lecture, St Andrews, 8th June. Speaker: Lloyd Humberstone (Monash University).
- Conference: 2nd Annual Graduate Epistemology Conference, Edinburgh, 8th – 9th June. Keynote speakers: John Greco (St. Louis University), Crispin Wright (Aberdeen/NYU).