Philosophy events, week of 24th March

(Sorry for the lateness of this announcement!)

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • John O’Dea (University of Tokyo) “Why, and in what sense, things look different in the shade: solving the puzzle of constancy,” at Glasgow’s Philosophy of Mind and Psychology Research Seminar on Monday, 24th March.
  • Catherine Rowett (University of East Anglia) at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 26th March.
  • Steinvor Arnadottir (University of Stirling) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 25th March.
  • Roman Frigg (London School of Economics), “The fiction view of modelling,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Thursday, 27th March.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy Launch Workshop, Dundee, 24th March.  Speakers: James Williams (Dundee), Daniel Whistler (Liverpool), Pascale Gillot (Paris 1), Yoni Van Den Eede (VUB), Wahida Khandker (MMU), Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Paris 8).
  • David Bain (University of Glasgow) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 27th March.
  • A.E. Taylor Lecture, Edinburgh, 28th March.  Speaker: Catherine Rowett (University of East Anglia), “Truth and lies: why Plato’s philosopher kings will believe the Noble Lie, and believe it first, precisely because they know the truth.”