Philosophy events, week of 18th November

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • Bryan Pickel (University of Edinburgh), “Naming, Saying, and Structure,” at Aberdeen on Tuesday, 19th November.
  • Alex Silk (University of Birmingham), “‘Ought’ and ‘Must’: Some Philosophical Therapy,” at Glasgow on Tuesday, 19th November.
  • Maria Alvarez (King’s College, London), “Dispositions, Reasons, and the Explanation of Action,” at St Andrews on Wednesday, 20th November.
  • Komarine Romdenh-Romluc (University of Nottingham) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Informatics Group on Wednesday, 20th November.
  • Igal Kvart (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “The Autonomy of Knowledge,” at Stirling on Thursday, 21st November.
  • Fraser Macbride (University of Glasgow), at Edinburgh on Friday, 22nd November.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Dave Hume Fellowship Lecture, University of Edinburgh, 19th November.  Speaker: Peter Fosl (Transylvania University), “Hume and the Promise of Philosophy.”
  • Alex Long (University of St Andrews), “Relativism and Its Opponents in Greek Political Thought,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Tuesday, 19th November.
  • Nicholas Davey (University of Dundee) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 21st November.