Philosophy events, week of 10th March

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • Mark Textor (King’s College, London) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 11th March.
  • Keith Crome (Manchester Metropolitan University) at Dundee’s Visiting Speaker’s Seminar on Wednesday, 12th March.
  • Richard Creath (Arizona State University) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 12th March, and at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 13th March.
  • Matthew Benton (University of Oxford) at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 12th march.
  • Alexander Bird (University of Bristol), “Inference to the Best Explanation: Problems and Paradigms,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Thursday, 13th March.
  • Susanna Siegel (Harvard Universsity) at Edinburgh’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Friday, 14th March.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Stephen Graham (Newcastle University) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 13th March.
  • Book Symposium on Ernest Sosa’s “Epistemic Agency”, Edinburgh, 14th March.  Speakers: J. Adam Carter (Edinburgh), Zoe Drayson (University of Stirling), John Greco (St. Louis), Jesper Kallestrup (Edinburgh), Matthew McGrath (Missouri), Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University).
  • Philosophy for Children, Edinburgh, 15th March.  Speakers: Peter Worley (Philosophy Foundation, London), David Birch (Philosophy Foundation, London), Michael Hand (University of Birmingham), Anne Baril (University of New Mexico), John Greco (St Louis University), Allan Hazlett (University of Edinburgh).