Ethics for a Broken World programme
The programme for the Ethics for a Broken World workshop ( on 18th April is now available:
Ethics for a Broken World Workshop
University of St Andrews, School VI (the Quad)
Wednesday, 18 April, 2012
Brian McElwee ‘The Perspective of the Broken World’ 9.30 – 10.40
Tim Chappell ‘The Future-Person Standpoint’ 10.45-11.55
Brad Hooker ‘Contingency and Moral Requirements’ 12.00 – 13.10
Ben Saunders ‘Democracy and Future Generations’ 14.30 – 15.40
Jesse Tomalty ‘Human Rights and the Possibility of a Broken Future’ 15.45 – 16.55
coffee etc.
Elizabeth Ashford ‘Liberty Rights and Trade-Offs’ 17.15 – 18.25