Visiting Speakers, 17th – 21st September
Next week’s visiting speakers:
- Jonathan Cohen (UC San Diego), “Ecumenicism, Comparability, and Color, Or: How to Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too,” at Glasgow on Tuesday, 18th September.
- Ben Saunders (Stirling), “Fairness, Outcomes, and the Basic Structure,” at St Andrews on Wednesday, 19th September.
- Joe Kuntz (Edinburgh), “Communitarian Agreement,” at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 19th September.
- Chris Donald (Melbourne), at Stirling on Thursday, 20th September.
- Campbell Brown (Edinburgh), at Edinburgh on Friday, 21st September.
Other events next week:
- Workshop on Billboards, Indexicals, Context and Interpreters, St Andrews, 16th – 17th September. Speakers: Andy Egan (Rutgers/Arché), Barry Smith (Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London), Seth Yalcin (Berkeley), Wayne Davis (Georgetown), Chris Barker (NYU), Jonathan Cohen (UC San Diego).
- Workshop on the Philosophy of John Perry, St Andrews, 18th – 19th September. Speakers:Ruth Millikan (Connecticut), Josh Dever (Texas), Dilip Ninan (Tufts), Daniel Morgan (Oxford), Andy Egan (Rutgers), Herman Cappelen (Arché), John Perry (Stanford and California – Riverside).