The Society for European Philosophy and Forum for European Philosophy Joint Conference 2015
The Society for European Philosophy and Forum for European Philosophy Joint Conference 2015
3-5 September 2015, University of Dundee
FREE Registration for staff and students at Scottish universities
The SEP-FEP Joint Conference is the UK’s major annual event in continental philosophy, featuring 3 keynote speakers and around 100 papers across all areas of the field.
Keynote speakers:
- Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University), “Affirmation as Relational Ethical Praxis”
- Veronique Mottier (Cambridge University), “Thinking at the Edge: Sexuality, Transgression, and Limit-Experiences”
- Lars Iyer (Newcastle University), “The Ark and the Flood: Literature after Literature”
Provisional programme: 2015 SEP DRAFT Programme
Register now! Please follow this link for information about accommodation, airport transfers, and registration options:
Registration is free for staff and students at Scottish universities (but you must register by email: see site for details), thanks to funding from the Scots Philosophical Association
For all others, registration is £80 (waged) or £50 (students/unwaged).