Psychiatry and Philosophy meeting in Stirling on Friday, 25th November, 2016
DATE: Friday, 25th November , 2016
VENUE: The Oak Room, Golden Lion Hotel, Stirling
9-15 am: Registration/Tea and coffee
10am: Morning Session: Chair: Dr.Iain Smith, Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist, Glasgow
10-05am: Reductionism: truly, madly, deeply.
Dr.Peter J. Gordon, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist, NHS Forth Valley.
Peter will present for half an hour some concerns he has over Health Improvement Science with reference to the work of the philosopher Mary Midgley among others.He will conclude by showing his short film on the Red Road Flats as a form of warning against grand projects undertaken without careful thought. The remainder of the session will be open for round table discussion. In preparation for this it is suggested you might read: – The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care (2007) by Lynn et al which can be downloaded from: –
11-15am: Tea/Coffee
11-30am: Journal Club: Facilitated Round Table discussion of: –
Lessons from akrasia in substance misuse: a clinicophilosophical discussion (2016)
By Lubomira Radoilska, and Keron D. Fletcher
Download from:-
12-30pm: Two course Lunch in hotel restaurant followed by business meeting (1-30pm)
Afternoon Session: Chair: Dr Tom Russ, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist, NHS Lothian.
2-00pm Mental Illness and Therapy in David Foster Wallace’s Fiction
Jamie Redgate, PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow
Jamie is a student in Medical Humanities at University of Glasgow. He will present to us from a completed section of his ongoing PhD work. The working title of his PhD is:- Cognition, Consciousness, and Dualism in the Fiction of David Foster Wallace.
For those unfamiliar with Foster Wallace he was a modern US novelist who was trained in philosophy and mathematics. He hung himself,age 46 years, in September 2008.
3-15pm Tea and coffee and depart
To confirm your place please e-mail me at to register and be prepared to pay £40-00 on the day.(Receipts will be available on the day along with CPD certificates for 4 hours of CPD Activity).
Also e-mail me if you have difficulty accessing the papers. It is not essential to have read them to come along as they will be summarised on the day.
Please let me know if you are coming as soon as possible and by the end of Thursday 15th November, 2016 at the very latest.
For the location of the hotel along with how to travel (it is close to the Stirling Train and Bus Stations), parking and access go to: –