Philosophy PhD Job Application/Fellowship Training Event
Philosophy PhD Job Application/Fellowship Training Event, funded by the SGSAH, held jointly by the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow 5th November, Edinburgh
You are invited to take part in a Philosophy-specific training session aimed at enabling PhD students to write effective grant and job applications and to develop interview skills. The format, unique in Scotland, allows students to approach the application and interview process from both sides and offers a stimulating and enjoyable day in Edinburgh, meeting and working with staff and PhD students from the Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow departments.
How it works: Staff designing the workshop will provide specifications and instructions for applying to a particular mock postdoctoral fellowship, grant, or job, such as a Leverhulme Fellowship, Marie Curie Fellowship, BA postdoctoral fellowship, Cambridge or Oxford JRF, teaching posts etc. Each student will submit a mock student grant/job application to be assessed by a panel of staff and other students. Each student will also serve as a panel member to assess the applications of other students, giving them valuable experience of both sided of the table: as applicant and as assessor. Participating students will be assigned the specific task of writing a specified kind of grant/job application. The drafts will be circulated in advance and be assessed on the day by members of a panel consisting of staff and students. Each of the Departments of Philosophy hosting the event will provide 3 members of staff with relevant expertise (9 in total) to be members and to chair the workshop panels.
By providing students the opportunity to think about the application process ‘from both sides’ we plan to provide students not only with knowledge of what grant giving bodies and potential employers are seeking, but also to imbue them with the kind of flexible mind set required for imaginatively and creatively engaging with the grant/job application process.
There are a number of funded places, including travel costs and lunch.
To apply please write to philosophyjobstraining@gmail.
Deadline for expressions of interest: 30th September 2015
Professor Fraser MacBride (Glasgow), Dr. Beth Lord (Aberdeen), Professor Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)