Philosophy events, week of 30th September
Next week’s visiting speakers (more information):
- Wlodeck Rabinowicz (Lund University) at Glasgow on Tuesday, 1st October.
- Sean Sayers (University of Kent), “Marx as a Critic of Liberalism,” at Dundee on Wednesday, 2nd October.
- Rachel Goodman (University of Leeds), “Cognitivism, Significance, & Singular Thought,” at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 2nd October.
- Wlodek Rabinowicz (Lund University), “Safeguards of a Disunified Mind,” at Stirling on Thursday, 3rd October.
- Peter Fosl (University of Transylvania), “Hume’s Way of Saving Philosophy through Sceptical and Critical History,” at Edinburgh on Friday, 4th October.
Other events next week:
- Chris Hooley (University of St Andrews) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society, 1st October.
- Themes from Wlodeck Rabinowicz, Glasgow, 5th October. Speakers: Wlodek Rabinowicz (Lund), Alex Voorhoeve (LSE), Jonathan Way (Southampton), Ulrike Heuer (Leeds), Kent Hurtig (Stirling), Campbell Brown (Glasgow).