Philosophy events, week of 30th June

Events next week:

  • Action and Self-Consciousness, Stirling, 30th June – 1st July.  Speakers: Anton Ford (Chicago), Adrian Haddock (Stirling), Alexandra Newton (Illinois), Will Small (Oslo), Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig), Michael Thompson (Pittsburgh).
  • Film-Philosophy 2014, Glasgow, 2nd – 4th July.  Speakers: Laura U. Marks (Simon Fraser University), Lúcia Nagib (University of Reading), Patricia Pisters (University of Amsterdam), William Brown (University of Roehampton).
  • Suffering and Reason, Glasgow, 4th – 6th July.  Speakers: Marilyn McCord Adams, Fabrizio Benedetti, Michael Brady, Marcel Brass, Giorgio Coricelli, Jennifer Corns, Matthew Fulkerson, Manolo Martinez, Stephane Lemaire, Donna Lloyd.
  • Metaphysical Basis of Logic/Relativism and Rational Tolerance Workshop, Aberdeen, 4th-6th July.  Speakers: Thomas Brouwer, Andreas Fjellstad, Greg Restall, Filippo Ferrari, Alexandra Plakias, Graham Priest, Francesco Berto.