Philosophy events, week of 27th October

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • Michael Blome-Tillmann (McGill University/University of Cambridge), “On the role of statistical evidence in courts of law,” at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 29th October.
  • Claire Sergent (University Paris Descartes), “Retro-perception: how retrospective attention influences conscious perception,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Informatics Reading Group on Wednesday, 29th October.
  • Chris Timpson (University of Oxford), “Timelike experimental metaphysics: Macroscopic Realism and the Leggett-Garg inequality,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Thursday, 30th October.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Sarah Broadie (University of St Andrews) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Monday, 27th October.
  • Andrew Pickering (University of Exeter) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 30th October.
  • Mereology Workshop, St Andrews, 1st – 2nd November.  Speakers: Achille Varzi (Columbia), Kris McDaniel (Syracuse), Josh Parsons (Oxford), Gabriel Uzquiano (USC/Arche), Aaron Cotnoir (St Andrews), Caroline Tougourg.