Philosophy events, week of 27th January
Research seminars next week (more information):
- Thomas Hummel (Taste and Smell Clinic, University of Dresden), “Why and how we smell, how to measure olfactory function, and how to diagnose and treat olfactory loss,” at Glasgow’s Philosophy of Mind and Psychology Research Seminar on Monday, 27th January.
- Suilin Lavelle (University of Edinburgh) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 28th January.
- Ema Sullivan-Bissett (University of Birmingham), “Epistemically Innocent Delusions: Support for the One-Stage Account,” at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 29th January.
- Javier Echenique (University of Chile), “Human Life as a Basic Good: A Dialectical Critique,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 29th January.
- Caspar Hare (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “Procreation – Before and After,” at Edinburgh’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Friday, 31st January.
Other events next week (more information):
- Katherine Hawley (University of St Andrews) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Tuesday, 28th January.
- Peter Poellner (University of Warwick) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 30th January.