Philosophy events, week of 24th February

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • Alan Johnson (University College, London), “Illusions of Motion and Their Perceptual Significance,” at Glasgow’s Philosophy of Mind and Psychology Research Seminar on Monday, 24th February.
  • John Collins (University of East Anglia) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 25th February.
  • Helga Varden (CEPPA/University of Illinois), “A Kantian Theory of Legal Responsibility for Animals,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 26th February.
  • Jesús Zamora (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) at Edinburgh’s Epistemology Research Group on Wednesday, 26th February.
  • John Collins (University of East Anglia), “Variables and Natural Language,” at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 27th February.
  • James Ladyman (Philosophy, University of Bristol), “Science, Metaphysics and Structural Realism,” at Edinburgh’s Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Debates on Thursday, 27th February.
  • Michael Brady (University of Glasgow) at Edinburgh’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Friday, 28th February.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Barbara Sattler (Univeristy of St Andrews) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Tuesday, 25th February.
  • Michael Brady (University of Glasgow) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 27th February.