Philosophy events, week of 19th May

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • Michael Devitt (CUNY), “Testing Theories of Reference,” at Edinburgh’s PPLS Interdisciplinary Seminar on Monday, 19th May, and at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Friday, 23rd May.
  • Matthew McGrath (University of Missouri), “Knowing What Things Look Like,” at Glasgow’s Philosophy of Mind and Psychology Research Seminar on Monday, 19th May.
  • Charlotte Werndl (London School of Economics) at Aberdeen’s Philosophy Colloquium on Tuesday, 20th May.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Newton, Kant, and the Newtonianism of the Eighteenth Century, Edinburgh, 19th May.  Speakers: Thomas Ahnert (University of Edinburgh), John Henry (University of Edinburgh), Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh), Eric Schliesser (University of Ghent).
  • Can Virtue Be Taught? (Intellectual Virtue in Education II), Edinburgh, 24th May.  Speakers: Jason Baehr (Loyola Marymount University), Ben Kotzee (University of Birmingham), Morwenna Griffiths (University of Edinburgh), Tom Hamilton (General Teaching Council for Scotland), Michael McCabe (George Heriot’s School), Rachael Wiseman (Durham University).