Philosophy and Museums

24th – 26th July 2013




  • David Brown (St Andrews), ‘Contexts and Experiencing the Sacred’
  • Ivan Gaskell (Bard Graduate Center, New York), ‘The Museum of Big Ideas’
  • Garry Hagberg (Bard College, New York), ‘Word and Object’
  • Michael Levine (University of Western Australia), ‘Museums and the Nostalgic Self’
  • Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen), ‘“A Sudden Surprise of the Soul”: Wonder in Museums and Early Modern Philosophy’
  • Graham Oddie (University of Colorado at Boulder), ‘What do we see in Museums?’
  • Julia Rosenbaum (Bard College, New York), ‘A Curious Case of Collecting’
  • Constantine Sandis (Oxford Brookes), ‘Replicas and the Role of Museums’
  • Charles Taliaferro (St Olaf, Minnesota) with Jil Evans, ‘How to Get into a Work of Art’
  • Philip Tonner (Hutchesons’ Grammar School, Glasgow), ‘Museums, Ethics and Truth’

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