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Galloway and Sa Cavalcante at Dundee; May 14 – 16 and 21 – 24

From Ashley Woodward (Dundee):

Dear all,
The University of Dundee and The Scottish Center for Continental Philosophy is please to announce a series of special events by visiting scholars Alexander R. Galloway and Maria Sa Cavalcante Schuback, funded by the Scots Philosophical Association.

All event are open to all and are free to attend. There is no need to book.
Alexander R. Galloway (4-6, May 14-16)
First masterclass on the concept of the digital.
Second masterclass on the concept of the analog
Evening lecture: “How did the computer learn to see?”

Marcia Sa Cavalcante Schuback (4-6, May 21-24)
Three masterclasses on time in exile, and the struggle of existence
Evening lecture: “Thinking through Sketches.”

For more details, follow the link: