Ancient Philosophy Workshop, 24th April

Workshop on Ancient Philosophy

Friday, April 24, 2015

Organised jointly by the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences at Edinburgh and the School of Classics at St Andrews.

The programme will include four talks:

  • Richard McKirahan (Pomona College) ‘Philolaus on the soul’
  • Inna Kupreeva (Edinburgh) ‘Socrates’ refutation of Protagoras in Theaetetus 169-71′
  • Voula Tsouna (UC Santa Barbara) ‘Cyrenaics and Epicureans on pleasure and the good life’
  • Alex Long (St Andrews) ‘Immortality and godlikeness in Epicureanism and Stoicism’

When: from 10 am, April 24, 2015Where: Room 3.10-11, Dugald Stewart Building, Edinburgh

More information: