Glasgow-Campinas Workshop: Quine, Science, and Naturalism

Glasgow-Campinas Workshop: Quine, Science, and Naturalism

Glasgow, 25th June


  • 1.00-2.30: Derek Ball (University of St Andrews) “Is Philosophy Continuous with Science?”  Response by Gary Kemp (University of Glasgow).
  • 2.45-4.15: Frederique Janssen-Lauret (University of Campinas) “A Quinean Accommodation (or Two) of the Facts of Psychology.”  Response by Alan Weir (University of Glasgow).
  • 4.30-6.00: Bryan Pickel (University of Edinburgh) “On Holding True Come What May.”  Response by Adam Rieger (University of Glasgow).

Location: Reid Room, 67-69 Oakfield Avenue, University of Glasgow. Open to
all, free of charge. No advance registration necessary for the workshop,
just come along. If you’re interested in joining the speakers for dinner
afterwards, please email

Organisers: Alan Weir, Gary Kemp, and Frederique Janssen-Lauret.

We are grateful for the generous support we received for this event from
the Philosophy departments of the Universities of Campinas and Glasgow.