Ethics and Natural Law: Foundations and Applications

13th April 2013

St Andrews, Edgecliffe


  • Anthony Lang (St Andrews), “Punishment in International Law: A Natural Law Account”
  • Roger Scruton (St Andrews), “The Conflict between Natural and Social Justice”
  • Timothy Chappell (Open University), |”Internal Reasons, Augustine, and the Heart’s Desire”
  • John Milbank (Nottingham University), “Natural Law and Divine Government”
  • Caron Gentry (St Andrews), “The Feminist’s Search for the Universal Validity of Natural Law”
  • John Haldane (St Andrews), “Discerning the (Human) Good: Natural Law, “New”, “Old” and “Integrative””
  • Tom Angier (St Andrews), “Natural Law: The Hard Road from Foundations to Applications”
  • Nicholas Rengger (St Andrews), “What’s “Natural” about Natural Law?”

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