Posted by Derek Brown on

Philosophy events, week of 17th November

Research seminars next week (more information):

  • Chris Mills (UCL) at Glasgow’s Senior Seminar on Tuesday, 18th November.
  • Knox Peden (Australian National University), “The History of Spinozism as a Philosophical Problem,” at Aberdeen’s Philosophy Colloquium on Wednesday, 19th November.
  • Laurence Hemming (Lancaster University), “The End of Sex: Power and Justice in the Loves of Foucault, Heidegger and Mimnermus,” at Dundee’s Philosophy Seminar on Wednesday, 19th November.
  • Toby Meadows (University of Aberdeen), “Sifting Through the Wreckage: Some Thoughts about Foundations for Mathematics,” at St Andrews’ Philosophy Club on Wednesday, 19th November.  
  • Maja Spener (University of Birmingham) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy, Psychology, and Informatics Reading Group on Wednesday, 19th Noovember.  
  • Raphael van Riel (University of Duisburg-Essen), “Normativity and Social Rules,” at Stirling’s Visiting Speaker Seminar on Thursday, 20th November.

Other events next week (more information):

  • Bill Fulford (University of Oxford) at St Andrews’ Philosophy Society on Monday, 17th November.
  • Debbie Roberts (University of Edinburgh) at Edinburgh’s Philosophy Society on Thursday, 20th November.
Posted by Derek Brown on

Call for Papers: Edinburgh Graduate Epistemology Conference

The University of Edinburgh is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 5th Annual Edinburgh Graduate Epistemology Conference (27th-28th May 2015). Our keynote speakers this year will be Elizabeth Fricker (Oxford) and Jennifer Nagel (Toronto). All graduate presentations will have respondents from faculty members at Edinburgh or a neighbouring university.

We are inviting graduate students to submit essays within any area of epistemology (broadly construed). Essays should be approximately 4000 words, and should be anonymised for blind review.  We would really like the conference to be representative of the graduate community and so we strongly encourage submissions from anyone working on epistemology who is a member of an under-represented group.

We will be happy to help arrange childcare for any attendees who would find it helpful. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss this, or any accessibility requirements you may have.

The deadline for submissions is 1st March 2015. For more information, including details of how to submit, please visit our conference page:

This conference is generously sponsored by the Eidyn Research Centre and the University of Edinburgh, and is supported by the Edinburgh Women in Philosophy Group.